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Some Reflections on the First Half of Second Semester


Hello friends!

I hope this post finds you well wherever you’re at today in this moment!

I sincerely apologize (to you, to myself, in general) for sort of falling off blogging this past month. These past couple of weeks have been quite a lot aha, and I’m so grateful for this break to reset and rejuvenate and find true rest in Him! (I know that I want to handle things better these next couple of weeks as the semester wraps up.)

I thought it would be fitting, before sharing some other posts that I’m super excited to write, to first take some time to reflect on the first half of second semester.

I just took some time to look back at the goals I set for this new year, and I have to say, I definitely did not hit everything and am still chipping away at things. But I also forgot about some of the habits that I’ve built that at the beginning of this year, were just ideas in my mind! So I encourage you to take time to reflect and look back and see how far you’ve come through God’s grace—and then to be encouraged, not discouraged, by the ways we can continue to grow in Him! I know that’s the view and attitude I want to take on—so cheers to it! :)

Looking back at my goals, I realized that I have built some really good habits this year, like not eating after 9PM and starting each day by reading the Bible. I remember putting this in my calendar in the beginning of the year (to read the Bible) so I would really stick to it, and now it really has become something I naturally just think of right when I wake up. I will admit, I want and need to work on being more intentional with the time I spend with God and in reading His word (not just making it a “to-do” checklist habit/item), but I realize this is a healthy habit I’ve built that I’m so grateful for.

In terms of my physical goals, the first month or so of college was so good. I ate so well, didn’t eat sweets and didn’t eat past 9PM. I was growing to love my body more and more. But then at one point, I sort of fell off… and then these past couple of weeks were definitely pretty rough. I still have been pretty good at not eating after 9PM (yay for healthy habits!:)) and not eating junk food, but haven’t been as good at portion control and just not stress/emotional eating. I really struggle with this, but I’m hoping to take this break to really reset and get back on it.

I think these past couple of weeks have really taught me what it feels like to be stretched and pushed. I wouldn’t say that I was necessarily overwhelmed always, but I think this semester I took on more clubs and just had a good amount of work. It definitely “pushed me to my limits” in a sense, as the saying goes, and I’m super grateful for the experience. I realized that I had taken on too many clubs and it was spilling into my ability to do high quality work and really commit 110% to everything I was doing (which is something I really, really value). I really didn’t like the feeling of letting people down—whether in a club, my friends, or myself. So I dropped a club, and this break, am going to take time to get ahead so when we come back, I can really give in full force to everything I’m doing. I not only want to really be able to engage with my school work and club work, but even more so, truly give my all to my friends and be someone who’s always there for them. I know being busy doesn’t mean you can’t do this just as well, but I found myself these past couple of weeks just feeling sort of out of it sometimes in this area (more so than I’d like), and I want to be someone who is overflowing with God’s love through His power alone! Sitting here in Panera, writing this, and just reflecting makes me realize wow, I'm so so excited for this break and so grateful. :)

I will say, though, that being busy has been a big blessing in the sense that I feel like my mind has been off of issues that I struggled more with in my first semester of college (like feelings of loneliness). I think God’s really blessed me in these ways, and helped me find peace in feelings of loneliness. I think every season has its own trials though, and this semester in the beginning I struggled much more with ideas on dating and thinking about it too much, but I truly feel much more at peace right now too with dating (not looking to date right now :)). Perhaps I will share about this in a separate post, or if you’d like to chat about it please feel free to hit me up (would love to share the ways God’s been working in my life in this area and the things I’ve learned:)). I think being busy also was super nice because I felt like I always had purposeful things to do (first semester sometimes my course load felt pretty light or sometimes I felt like I was doing things that weren’t as meaningful, etc.). I do, however, want to caution myself right now to make sure that ultimately I find my purpose only from Him and that I do all things for Him. :) But super grateful for the ways that feeling quite overwhelmed these past couple of weeks has grown me. :)

I’ve also learned a lot of little lessons I think that I’m super grateful for, and I think I will take this break to try and share some through this blog. :) Ayooo! Also so grateful for all the mems so far and the amazing people God has placed in my life (you all)! :)))

Also, little side note but the weather recently has been absolutely beautiful, and though I’m struggling a lot with body image right now (and other things of course), I’m so so grateful. With all that’s going on in this world, from coronavirus to the daily struggles I see around me, I realize how broken of a world we live in and how much we need Him. I am so desperate for God wow and want to be, so here’s to growing closer to Him and sharing His love!!!

Thanks for tuning into my rather informal post and perhaps more stream of consciousness writing. :) Will be writing more structured posts too sharing things I’ve learned recently!

All for the glory of God.

With love,


Bible verse connection: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Hehe so grateful! <3

P.S. WOW it feels so good to be back! I love listening to the jams Panera plays heh and feel so awake right now writing when just like an hour ago I felt so groggy and gross—PTL!!! YAYAY :)

P.P.S. Please stay safe with everything happenning right now! Just found out there might be a case of coronavirus on campus as I am writing this post…. Might write a separate post reflecting on this whole situation (maybe) and how it’s made me want to love harder but also be so so careful and also aaahhh. Let’s be wise in our decisions and pray and trust in Him! <3

P.P.P.S. I know this post doesn’t encompass everything but just wanted to take a bit of time to reflect and share. Thank you for listening. :)

P.P.P.P.S. (LOL so many sorry aha.) This photo is one I took recently while walking with my CG (community group) to Chili’s (a Chinese restaurant)! :) Waking up to the birds chirping and walking outside to warm weather and just seeing so many flowers blooming just reminds me yet again of how good God is. :’) So beautiful! Hehehe!

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