Hello friends!
I hope this message finds you well wherever you are today. And if not—that’s okay too. We’re all just working on this together, right? Here’s a little reminder that you’re AMAZING, you’re doing great, and I am rooting for you! :)
I definitely did not plan to not blog for this long. If I’m being honest, I made this blog my “passion project” for the GRIT Lab class I’m taking with Professor Angela Duckworth. I planned to go ham on the blog. And I think I’ve definitely made progress, but not as much as I would like.
So today, I decided to just hop on and write. I have lots of topics I want to write about, but I felt I first wanted to be true to where I’m at right now and just do a check-in post.
If I’m being honest, these past couple of weeks (or parts of them) have been a bit rough (and quite busy perhaps strangely Idk :P). Lots of ups and downs of course! :) I think I’ve learned a lot and am always so blessed by how God is working—always—but at the same time, I think some of the things I’ve been struggling with have been magnified during this quarantine time (or have just come up again). And I think it’s okay and healthy to recognize that we all struggle with different things and may feel so stuck or confused or lost at times—I know I do—as long as we remember that we can always be joyful and have confident hope because of all God has done for us and all He will do. He has greater plans than we can imagine, and more than ever, I’m trusting in that now.
I also think at times I’ve just felt so unworthy—but I need to remember that this is the enemy. (Also just need to truly repent and pray for His strength.) It might be hard, but please remember how worthy and loved you are!
I think there are a lot of things I’m working on right now, and trying to figure out. I’m praying for discernment and strength and self-control and patience in many areas, and for the Spirit to really strengthen and guide me. And I just wanted to share and meet you wherever you’re at today. I hope you truly know how amazing you are and how much I appreciate you (yes you:)). Thank you for being YOU and for being in my life. I hope you know that you are a child of God, and that in itself makes you more worthy and loved than you know.
I think sometimes writing these reminders out also reminds me myself—so thanks for letting me do that. :)
Okay, hoping to blog more! Thanks for tuning into this really brief message.
All for the glory of God.
With love, Joyce
Bible verse foundation: “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.” Psalm 46:5 Just think this verse is so cool and empowering and encouraging! Praise God! :) Also soonafter the verse: “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” Psalm 46:10 Let’s trust in Him. :)
P.S. IT’S LITERALLY BEEN A MONTH SINCE I’VE POSTED? I just checked the last post document… oops… sorry friends and sorry myself oopssss going to get back on it! I miss writing and reflecting and want to work on this. :) YAY TY!
P.P.S. I know this post was a bit vague or perhaps strange, but I just wanted to start with it as I write more posts! I am definitely going to go more into some struggles I’ve had/have and how God has been working through them in the future. :) Thanks loves heh.
P.P.P.S. This photo is just one I sent to Grace during this quarantine time! Teehee LOVE YOU GRACE! :)
P.P.P.P.S. AND LOVE YOU ALL! Let’s continue to show His love and check in on each other. :)