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A Lil' Check In - He's Our Breath of Fresh Air


A Lil' Check In

With everything happening in the world right now, and all of the changes that took place just in the past 48 hours or so, I also wanted to write a little check in post.

It’s kind of crazy honestly. Just a bit over a week ago I was still planning to go to Argentina for spring break on a Wharton International Program (WIP). Then when that got cancelled, I decided to stay on campus, and was looking forward to spending my week on campus just resetting and relaxing. Then I was planning to go home for at least two weeks (given the whole coronavirus situation and since I ended up missing home more than I thought aha), and now here we are, at home for who know’s how long. (We found out as my family was driving home that the rest of the semester is going to be online.)

Honestly, I’m not sure it’s fully hit me that freshman year is done… the on campus part at least. Like many of my peers, I’m pretty bummed and sad that we won’t be seeing each other in person for quite a bit and there were many things I was looking forward to, things I wanted to do, people I wanted to get to know better. One of my friends from college texted me “see you in 6 months” and it really hit then that we’re going to be away from each other for so long. (I wanted Penn to call off school for at least the week after spring break since I thought it would be wisest given the current situation and everyone travelling to different places, but I am pretty bummed that it’s going to be for the whole semester.)

But more so right now, I am grateful. I am grateful to God for the ways He continues to provide even though we are so undeserving and that He has plans greater than any of us can imagine. I am grateful for my family and that my parents would drive up to pick me up and that we had a safe trip home. I am grateful that I am an overpacker and that in this situation, it worked out super well since I brought home so much (my parents and I thought ahead as other schools started calling off their semesters and decided to just have me pack a lot… like a lot lot). I am so, so grateful for all of the memories and people I’ve met in college so far. And praise the Lord for technology today so we can continue to stay in touch and even continue classes online! Always grateful—praise the Lord!

Our World is Broken; We need Him.

I think recently, I’ve also just been reminded of how broken our world is and how much we need Him.

Just the other day, on campus, I saw some college students helping a man who had passed out or was just in a rough state of mind (he was just lying on the sidewalk), and then saw some students helping their friend who had passed out while waiting for MERT (the emergency first-response team on campus) to come. (Being on an emptier campus, I also was more scared walking around by myself and was just quite aware of this.) As I’ve been struggling with a lot of my own sins and bad habits and have just come from a time of feeling a bit overwhelmed, seeing all these events and hearing more and more about the coronavirus situation reminded me of how broken our world is. But at the same time, I was reminded of God’s love and grace as I saw all of these loving students going out of their way to help others. When I checked in each time, they told me how things were being taken care of and were so calm (even though I was kind of scared walking around by myself) and just really showed me God’s love. And as I walked back to my room, I also ran into one of my hallmates; at the time, I was really in my head about everything that was going on, and feeling a bit discouraged. But him just asking how I was and taking the time to have a short conversation was so encouraging, and I could really see God’s love showing through him. What did I do to deserve this? I thought.

Yet again, reflecting on the kindness of others, I am reminded that though we are so undeserving, God loves and pursues us.

I am actually really reminded of this during this whole coronavirus situation too. I see so many people (so many college students!) offering their places for stranded students and for people who need to store things (there are spreadsheets among spreadsheets of people offering help and compiling helpful resources). My friend yesterday shared venmos of people who need help financially, and wow, just constantly reminded of God’s love shining through people and the ways we can show His love! Let’s continue to pursue each other (maybe not through in person big meetings though right now aha) and encourage one another through this all!

Life is Precious; Express Your Love and Gratitude.

I think this whole situation has also reminded me of how precious life is, and how unexpected things can happen out of nowhere. We might plan for a trip for so long (I know so many people’s spring break plans were cancelled), or for a next stage of our life, and so many things might change unexpectedly. My heart goes out to those who had big plans that had to be cancelled. I know how tough and upsetting it might feel, but know that God has plans greater than we can imagine and is working through this all! I am choosing to look at the positives and be grateful for all of the memories that have happened that I treasure so deeply, and for the ways that I’ve grown in Him and will continue to do so yeee! :)

I think just hearing about people losing loved ones or thinking about the situation escalating has also made me realize how I want to love hard and express my love and gratitude towards others now. I am so bummed that I won’t get to give so many seniors a good-bye for now hug in person nor grab a meal (or go on a walk or something) with so many of them that I wanted to get to know better, but I know I will be sending a lot of virtual messages soon as a way to just show my love and appreciation for all of these people who I feel so blessed by. And even starting in my own house, I pray that I may really show my parents all my love and appreciation for them and have patience since I think this is something I could really work on and I definitely don’t express my gratitude enough. So I know we’ve heard it a lot, but here’s to telling the people in our lives how much we value them and are grateful for them!

Let’s Find True Rest in Him.

I must admit, this break so far has not exactly been restful. I think I’ve given into cheap pleasures too easily and this has distracted me from finding true rest in Him. I’ve been spending way too much time on Youtube or Netflix or Instagram or my phone, and not enough time praying intentionally and leaning into Him.

Just today, I woke up and decided not to really check my electronics until after lunch, and it was so refreshing to just read my book and enjoy the day without crowding my head with more news and videos and cheap pleasures. But after eating too much and taking a nice bath, I fell into this cheap rest again. I decided a bit ago that I needed to get out of my room, so I got up and also walked outside onto the deck. I opened the door, and I kid you not when I say this was the first time I’ve been outside since coming back on Wednesday (it is currently Friday) since I am unofficially quarintined to this house for safety amidst this whole coronavirus situation. Just a minute ago I had noticed how blue and beautiful the sky looked in the window, and when I stepped outside, I was met with a humid yet crisp air and a refreshing strong “hello” from the breeze. I felt awake.

And I realized—dang, Jesus is our breath of fresh air. He’s the reason we can remain joyful and at peace amidst everything happening. He’s that refreshing breath of fresh air when we step outside after being inside for so, so long.

I was reminded that He is our true rest. And not only is He our breath of fresh air, but He is our air. He is the reason we are able to live today and be forgiven for all of our sins.

Jesus is Our Breath of Fresh Air, Our Air, and More. He’s Our Everything.

I don’t want to let another day go by thinking, “oh, I’ll just sleep early tonight and set myself up for a good tomorrow.” I want to find true rest in Him. I want to be productive. So here’s to doing so.

The other night, before leaving for home, I actually spent a while just praying in my dorm room (especially after realizing I hadn’t been writing down people’s prayer requests as I wanted to for a bit, I took the time to do this and really uplift those around me to God). It felt so good and the next morning, I woke up feeling so much better as I was feeling a bit under the weather. Praise the Lord!

So thank you today for letting me share this check in. It’s helped remind me to fix my eyes on the cross, on our true Savior, and to know that we can be at peace knowing God works all things for our good and His glory and Kingdom and has greater plans than we can imagine.

All for the glory of God.

With love,


Bible verse foundation: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 Trying to lean more into Him through this all rather than being scared. Let’s trust in Him and focus on doing what we can rather than living in fear! Also I’m changing “Bible verse connection” to “Bible verse foundation” because everything should be from Him and for Him and based on His word!

P.S. I decided to write some main points in big font and think I will continue doing so in pieces to come! I think it helps split things up in a longer post and helps bring out some good main points. Trying to work on my writing and how to most effectively share the ways God’s been working in my life and teaching me things! :)

P.P.S. This photo was from a drive in Hawaii! :) Dang I can smell the salty fresh ocean breeze and hear the beautiful sounds of nature (the ocean slapping the ground every beat or so). :) The ocean is so beautiful but can also be a huge body of uncertainty but may we be reminded that through all of this uncertainty, we can always be certain in Him. He is our certainty and never changes!

P.P.P.S. I just went on a walk with my parents and a drive and wow it felt good! So grateful for this time to spend with them (and as a whole family again once my brother comes back from college!). Also, I missed driving hehe! :) Grateful.

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