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A New Year, A New Decade Ah!


Wow, it’s a new year, a new decade!!! :’) I know I already reflected on this past decade and some lessons in my previous post, but again, I just want to greet you wherever you’re at today and say GO YOU! You’ve been through so many ups and downs this year and decade and have come so far! It’s so easy to be our own worst critics and to beat ourselves up, but please take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come and give yourself a pat on the back! YAY! And of course, all glory to God! :’) Here’s to a new year, and a new decade! 

I thought I wanted to make a blog post about all my goals for the next year and decade, but I ended up reflecting myself today about this and writing goals down (I am definitely a huge fan of always setting goals, and love the fresh start that the new year offers us! Why not take advantage of it, you know?:))! I might sprinkle some goals throughout this post, but don’t think I’ll be sharing all my goals in this post. :P 

An idea I want to expand on today is the idea that life is going to keep going, and if you want to make changes you have to make them (one of the lessons I’ve learned that I shared in my previous post). I think especially as I get older, I’ve been realizing that if I don’t make changes, I’m going to find myself struggling with similar things next year, or even in a decade. If we want something to change, we have to take action in doing so. It might be hard, and the path definitely might not be straight, but I believe (I know!) we can do it!! Through His strength!! :’) I think right now something I’ve been struggling with (honestly for a quite a bit of time) is building good eating habits and body image. I have set (tangible) goals for the year and month and am taking action to build good habits! :) LESSGETIT! 

This leads me to my next idea. I’d like to share some ways to help stick with your goals (things I’ve picked up over the years)! I know there are so many different ways to achieve your goals but here are some tips I’ve thought of to help you achieve your new year goals (and things I’m practicing)! 

1. Make it tangible and specific! 

I think it’s super important to set big idea goals, but then also really important to make sure you have goals you can tangibly check off each day. For example, I definitely want to build better eating habits (big idea goal!). So, a goal I’ve made is not eating after 9PM (this has been super helpful so far in not stress eating and emotional eating at night—you know how those nights can go sometimes haha). I also am going to try doing a no sweets and processed food January! 

2. Schedule it in your calendar! 

I don’t know about you, but starting in college I’ve been using Google Calendar to keep track of events and things, and it’s been super helpful! Something I’ve found helpful is scheduling your goals into your calendar. For example, I made it a goal to run/workout five times a week, so I scheduled in those times before-hand (in blue, which is the color working out is in my calendar… I’d definitely recommend color coding your calendar if that works for you!:)). Of course, I change around the time as I figure out more plans for that week, but at least I already have it scheduled in! For this upcoming month/year, I’ve also scheduled in time in the morning to read the Bible and pray and reflect, since one of my goals is to consistently read the Bible everyday and start my day off by doing so (which is to work towards my larger goal of growing in and towards Him and growing in my relationship with God). 

3. Find an accountability buddy! I think this one is such a feasible and helpful tip! For example, a friend and I have been reading the Bible together everyday (doing the same plan), and it’s been so helpful and nice to have someone to reflect with! And bloggging with Grace has been such a blessing and has made me realize how much I enjoy reflecting and writing (thank you Grace for being my blog buddy and one of my best friends hehe! I love reading your posts and catching up with you through this platform and growing together! You’re amazing:)). I definitely want to reflect more and I think blogging, and especially blogging together, has been such a blessing! I also do this thing with a friend where we text each other “Lights off!” at night and then simply react to the text (so not to start a conversation so late and keep us up even longer haha) and together, we work towards sleeping earlier (this actually really helped this past summer and was super effective)! :) So reach out to a friend, and you never know how far you guys will go together! :’) 

These are just a few tips that come to mind right now. I would love to hear about your goals (for the month, year, decade, anything!:)) and ways that help you achieve them! I am definitely still such a work in progress (and always will be), but I am so excited to embrace this new year and decade. I am so excited to make it our year. Let’s get it! (I really do love how the new year always offers us a chance to reflect and reset! I believe in constantly doing so but think we might as well take advantage of how the new year sort of creates this “fresh start”:)). 

Yay! Here’s to 2020 and the new decade! :’) 

Saved by grace, through faith. 

With love, 


Bible verse connection: “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’” 1 Samuel 16:7 I read this verse this morning as I was doing my daily Bible reading (part of the plan I’m doing with a friend), and couldn’t help but resonate with the verse and hear God speaking to me through it. I think a lot of my new year’s resolutions and goals have to do with health (physical health), and I feel like in one way or another, many people probably also have goals in this area. I am still set on achieving my goals and working towards making decisions (in terms of eating & working out) that are God-honoring (a big reason I want to work on myself in these ways!), but I think reading this verse, I was reminded again how it’s not all about the outside and just goals we think of. Ultimately, God’s plans and judgment are so much greater than our own. And I want to remember to always find fulfillment from Him and know that our identity and fulfillment comes from Him. And overall, my goal is definitely to grow in my relationship with God and lead a God-honoring life and to serve Him. So I thought I’d share this verse today. :’) 

P.S. This photo was from February break senior year! I felt super blessed to be able to travel to Spain and Portugal with my Mom, Dad, and one of my best friends! :’) Definitely a favorite memory of the decade and year! :’) 

P.P.S. Just went through and numbered my posts in Google Drive (we love some organization hehe) and realized this is my 10th individual post ah! How fitting (because wrapping up a DECADE and starting a new one heh)! :P

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